Acute first patellar dislocation may occur due to high-energy traumas or due to predisposing factors. In addition to anterior posterior and lateral knee radiographs, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are also required to diagnose additional injuries and to evaluate the underlying predisposing factors. While surgical treatments are at the forefront in the presence of osteochondral fractures and predisposing factors such as patella alta, increased tuberositas tibia-trochlear groove distance, trochlear dysplasia and increased patellar tilt; in the absence of these, conservative treatment is sufficient. In conservative treatment, closed reduction is followed by brace application, followed by passive mobilization, closed kinetic chain and quadriceps strengthening exercises. Surgical treatment methods are divided into two as soft tissue and bone surgeries. Medial capsular plication, lateral retinacular release, medialization and distalization of the vastus medialis obliquus muscle, and medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction are the main soft tissue procedures. Tubercle osteotomies in the form of distalization and medialization have been described for the correction of predisposing factors. It has been shown in the literature that although the probability of recurrent dislocations in the early period is less in those who underwent surgery compared to patients with conservative follow-up, there was no significant difference between the two groups in the late period. Studies comparing the efficacy of different conservative treatment methods are needed in the literature.