TOTBİD Dergisi

TOTBİD Dergisi

2013, Cilt 12, Sayı, 2     (Sayfalar: 117-133)

Ankle instabilities: conservative treatment modality

Filiz Can 1, İpek İkiz 2

1 Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Bölümü, Ankara
2 Çankaya Hastanesi, Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kliniği, Ankara

DOI: 10.5606/totbid.dergisi.2013.14
Görüntüleme: 913
İndirme : 5457

The goal of treatment and rehabilitation of acute ankle injuries is to prevent chronic functional instability. Due to the potential trend for prolonged morbidity and disability associated with chronic instability, severe injuries should be treated appropriately following diagnosis. Chronic functional instability presents with mechanical instability and peroneal muscle weakness. Rehabilitation of the ankle injuries consists of four phases. The first phase is the acute phase in which the control of pain, edema, and joint stability are focused. Initial management should include the components of protection, rest or immobilization, ice, compression and elevation. The period of immobilization depends on the severity of the ligament injury. Electrotherapy and taping can also be applied for both reduction of edema and for stabilization effect. Isometric exercises are recommended to limit the amount of secondary muscle atrophy. The second phase of rehabilitation aims restoration of the normal range of motion, although inversion and eversion must initially be minimized. It also includes peroneal and dorsiflexor strengthening exercises and Achilles tendon stretching exercises. The third phase consists of functional training with proprioception exercises. Isokinetic and eccentric exercises play an important role in the ankle strengthening program. Agility and endurance exercises and proprioception training completes the rehabilitation program in fourth phase. Fourth phase is also the phase of preparation training to return to activity or sports.

Anahtar Kelimeler : Acute ankle injuries; ankle rehabilitation; ankle supports; chronic ankle instability; proprioception