TOTBİD Dergisi

TOTBİD Dergisi

2010, Cilt 9, Sayı, 3     (Sayfalar: 115-121)

Treatment of cartilage injuries

Cengiz Yılmaz 1

1 Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Anabilim Dalı, Mersin

Görüntüleme: 671
İndirme : 1253

Whatever treatment modality is used in the treatment of chondral defects, similar good or excellent results are being reported. However, none of the modalities has proved to be superior to another yet. Requirement of very long term follow-up hinders performing good quality studies. Many modalities yield satisfactory results on short term but few carry these to long term. Chondral injuries are encountered in 61 percent of arthroscopic procedures. Nineteen percent of these defects are focal and 5.2 percent are grade III or IV, which are the defects requiring treatment. The manuscript reviews the literature on the treatment indications, choices, and techniques for evaluating treatment results of chondral defects.

Anahtar Kelimeler : Cartilage injuries; chondral; indications; magnetic rezonance; osteochondral; treatment