Madelung`s deformity is a pathology that arises because of the premature closure of the volar-medial corner of the radial physis. It is believed that it is linked to a genetic anomaly. Although it is mostly called idiopathic, there is an abnormal ligament called Vicker`s ligament, which connects the lunate to the volar-medial aspect of the radius. Direct radiography is sufficient for diagnosis. Although there is no need for any treatment in asymptomatic patients, it can be applied to those who have cosmetic concerns. Vicker`s ligament excision, radial physiolysis and metaphyseal dome osteotomy provide good results in symptomatic cases with incomplete skeletal maturation. After the completion of skeletal maturation, radial dome osteotomy and ulnar shortening offer a good treatment option. Advancements in the computer-assisted external fixators will provide both 3-dimensional correction and lengthening.