Scapular dyskinesia is an abnormal static and dynamic movement pattern of the scapula which is observed in the majority of the overhead athletes. There is a lot of study concerning the role of scapular dyskinesia in the shoulder injuries. However, the results of these studies need to synthesized. The aim of the current review was to investigate the prevalence of the scapular dyskinesia among the athletes and its` relationship with the shoulder injuries. A comprehensive literature search was conducted for this purpose. As a result, although a consensus was reached about the incidence of the scapular dyskinesia among the overhead athletes there was no consensus regarding its` relationship with the shoulder pathologies. In general, it is thought that, since the scapula is an important element of the kinetic chain, abnormal movement pattern of the scapula could break this chain and can cause shoulder problems though it is not an isolated risk factor. During the treatment of the scapular dyskinesia, an intensive exercise program focusing all aspects of the problem is needed.